Cost center transfer

Kostenstellenumbuchung | Mann bedient iPad

I. Keyuser

1. Plant internal supplier:

For the cost center transfer, you must create the issuing cost center as a supplier in the system.

To do this, please go to the eService/Basic data tab after logging into the system.

Via "Create supplier" you can create a new supplier. It is important that you check the box "internal order supplier" under the basic data.

(On the right in the "Basic" box is the item "Internal order supplier").

2. Plant issuing purchasing organization:

Next, you have to create the submitted cost center as a purchasing organization and assign the supplier to it in turn. In addition, a deposit of the cost center is mandatory for this function.

Please go to the "eCustomize" tab via the module button and select System administration -> Purchasing organsiations from the window that pops up.

In the case of supplier internal order, you can select the previously created supplier via the magnifying glass.

If you check the box "Automatic goods receipt with confirmation of internal purchase order", the goods receipt will be posted automatically when the supplying purchasing organization confirms the goods issue in the requisition.

Als nächstes hinterlegen Sie in der Tabelle Buchungskreis die abgebende Kostenstelle. Diese kann wiederum über die Lupe ausgewählt werden.

3. Catalog fast entry:

In the next step you can create the items to be requested in a separate catalog. For example, the ward coffee from the kitchen, the orange juice from the restaurant for breakfast, drinks of individual departments from the warehouse, appetizers for conferences from the kitchen, etc.

This function is protected by the authorization object "eProcure: Fast catalog entry".

This gives you the possibility to create online catalogs directly (without catalog import in eService). The catalog is online immediately after creation and requires no further checking or activation.

To do this, please go to the catalogs via eProcure/Article search. In the box Favorites/Catalogs there is a button "new catalog" under the tab Catalogs.

First you have to assign a name to the catalog, assign a supplier (in the case of cost center transfer, the supplier would be the issuing purchasing organization, which was created as an internal ordering supplier in the first step) and a default material group has to be stored.

Next, you can define catalog groups and create the items under the Groups and articles tab.

Via the + at the catalog name on the left, you can create subgroups. These can be revised via the pencil button and deleted via the recycle bin.

With "+ new article" you can create articles for the respective groups. There are three article types:

Free text article
Catalog article
Recipe article

Free text articles: all fields, obligatory the article number, the description, the price, the order unit, the currency as well as the tax code, you have to fill manually.

Catalog article: You can add or reference an item from another catalog. After your selection of catalog and article, the query appears whether you want to transfer the data into the form or not:

Even if you transfer the data from the catalog, you can subsequently change the article number, designation, description, material group or tax code. You cannot change the price yourself. This is linked to the unit.

For example, if the item can be ordered as a crate from the original supplier and they have maintained bottle as the content unit, you can change the unit in which the item can be ordered internally to bottle and the price will be converted automatically:

If you select a different, unknown unit, you must maintain a conversion so that the system knows the content and can calculate the price.

Recipe article: You can also add a recipe from ePlanning as an article. After selecting the recipe, you can decide whether the data should be transferred or not.

Note: The LMIV are not yet taken into account!

If a sales price has been maintained in the recipe, it will be taken over as the price. The Price field can be overwritten for a recipe item.

The permissions tab allows you to release the created catalog for individual users, user groups, company codes, operating sites, purchasing organizations or cost centers. If you check the box for the authorization, the authorized persons can order from the catalog. If you do not check the box, they can only view the catalog but not order from it.

The catalog itself is then listed under the catalogs with a prefix (S).

II. User

1. Order Trigger:

In the previous logic, the user had to specifically perform an "internal order" request. This is no longer necessary, i.e. the user simply completes his shopping cart. When an order is generated, the system automatically recognizes that it is an internal order and generates this request automatically.

After logging in, go to eProcure/Article search. Among your catalogs you will also find the internal catalogs which have been released to you. These are marked with an (S).

You can now add the items to the shopping cart, just as you would for a "normal order" from a supplier. To do this, select the desired items, enter the order quantity and click on "Add to shopping cart".

Then switch to the shopping cart tab. Here you can view the items added to the shopping cart and edit them again if necessary. Click on "Close shopping cart" to send the shopping cart to the supplier (internally: to the supplying cost center).

The purchase order, if deposited, goes through the approval steps. If approval is required, the purchase order is sent to the supplier only after approval.

You will now find your order under the Orders tab as well as under the Requirements tab. The person responsible for the supplying cost center must now confirm your order.

If the function "automatic goods receipt on confirmation of internal purchase order" is active at the supplying purchasing organization, you no longer have to post a goods receipt yourself. The debit then takes place automatically when the request is accepted and the goods issue is created.

2. Confirm requirement:

As the person responsible for the supplying cost center, you will receive the internal purchase orders as open requisitions. You can view them under the tab eProcure/Requirement. You will also be informed by email about new requests.

In the column confirmed quantity you can adjust the delivering quantity. Via "Print" you can print the request. If an item is not available, you could delete it with the trash button by the item. You can also add free text items via the "+".

With "order requirement" the goods issues are posted and your issuing cost center is credited. In return, the receiving cost center is debited and if stored, the goods receipt is automatically posted. The organizational data are already preset. You only have to confirm the request again with "yes, confirm now".

3. Post goods receipt:

If the automatic posting of the goods receipt has been set by the key user, you do not need to do it manually.

Otherwise you can post the goods receipt under eProcure/Orders. To do this, select the desired order from the order overview or search for it using the search box.

The ordered quantity is automatically preset as the delivery quantity. However, you can overwrite this. Via "+" you can add a free text item.

To post the goods receipt, enter the delivery bill numbers, select the items and choose "Post position". The order moves to the status final delivery.

III. Cost center transfers report

You can access the report via the eReport/Goods Movements tab. Via the dropdown at Report you can call up the cost center transfer postings.

The individual filters can be used to restrict the data to individual company codes, purchasing organizations, users or cost centers. Based on the grouping, a splitting of the data to document number, article, company code, purchasing organization, site or supplier can be done.

With "create report" the transfers are evaluated. The report provides information about the issuing and receiving cost center with the respective quantities and values. The subtotal shows the total quantity as well as value over the set period.

Using the magnifying glass in the individual rows, the transactions can be displayed, split to the individual articles.

The report can be exported to Excel and/or PDF via "Excel edition" and "PDF edition".

With "Save report as version" the set filter settings can be saved and sent to selected users via email according to a schedule.